Machine Learning Posts by Tags

Data Science

Data Visualization

Image Processing

Fourier Transform Model of Image Formation

7 minute read

Different apertures (or Fourier Transform (FT) operations) are compared based from the corresponding image produced. With the knowledge of how FT works, two ...

Length and Area Estimation in Images

5 minute read

This post focuses on conducting two dimensional estimations from images using Scilab and ImageJ. The code is based on Green’s Theorem and common edge detecti...

Life and Physics

Machine Learning



Tech Activism

OPINION: On 2019 Election Transparency Woes

less than 1 minute read

Reports from COMELEC key persons and media outlets confirmed a sudden plunge in percentage in the transmission results around 92.89% at 5:45 am to 49.76% at ...

artificial intelligence

data mining

data science

deep learning

image processing

open Hardware

‘open’ laptop anyone?

6 minute read

It’s time to find a new laptop. But I have one major problem. I’m broke. As an un-salaried NGO volunteer, I have very limited budget from my savings. At max,...

random numbers

The beautiful world of random numbers

8 minute read

Random numbers generated from physical processes are vital our current mode of communication that relies on the transmission of data through computer systems...

social good

time series

